CV. Cahaya Prima Mandiri is committed to continuously improving our production quality. To be a leading packaging box manufacturer, we always keep up with the latest packaging technology in the industry.
© 2023 CV. Cahaya Prima Mandiri . All Rights Reserved.
Orders are delivered according to the requested time by the customer.
We listen to and fulfill the packaging needs of every customer.
Supporting water conservation, energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and carbon emissions reduction,
Water conservation: Collecting rainwater for water needs in the production area and ground tank hydrant.
Energy efficiency: Utilizing solar panels for lighting.
Environmental sustainability: Implementing waste water treatment to convert waste into clean water.
Carbon emissions reduction: Using electric forklifts and solar energy for electricity needs (Future investment).
Kami mendengar dan memenuhi kebutuhan packaging setiap customer.
pesanan dikirim sesuai dengan waktu yang diminta customer